Archive for the ‘Finance’ Category

Testimony 1: God provided the seed for sowing.

I have 2 testimonies.

One is beauty health. The other is finance. I realize these are the very 2 things that the church strongly believes in J thank you pastor and thank you church.

I was skeptical. God providing the seed? After being in the workforce for a year plus, I find that there is a constant struggle to adjust to expectations of a big God and the reality in the world. And this being my 2nd miracle seed, I wasn’t as enthusiastic to believe. And I did not keep track of how much God had blessed me for the last 2 years in $$ value. Yes, God has blessed me. I got a blessed job and started having regular income. And I am still blessed with time and energy to work on my business. But it just wasn’t enough “fruits” for me to believe in sowing again. Plus the amount I sowed was a huge one considering my circumstances of a very bad cashflow.

One night at 3am I woke up in anxiety and fear, as if I was still having a nightmare after waking up. My entire thought was captivated by the need to wind up my business by clearing stock. The first week I had so much favor with new people that could help, and seeing the rate stock was beginning to move, put much more effort into working with them, and managed to clear 20% of my stock. On the 2nd week, I had huge logistics problems because of the alarming rate my stock is going out. By now I only had 50% of the stock initially held. By the end of the 2nd week, one of my partners offered to buy over all of my stock. I was in tears when I texted my friend telling her God is so good and that He is truly, indeed, providing the seed. After a weekend and a peak into the start of the third week, the remaining stock was sold, along with some of my trade secrets. It was a very attractive offer to my partner and a huge deal of savings of time and efforts for me. Now I have more time to concentrate on my other projects. As the experts would say, re-finance my time, capital recycling. And eventually money.

How to learn to buy gold in Singapore?

Read a book – Buy Gold 101?
Find out from UOB?
Find out from a friend?
Surf the net about buying gold? Mostly USA info, hardly any local info.

Nov 11 update
I hope im able to digest this:

Fresh Revelation on Abrahamic Blessings

So one of my new year/christmas wish is to have a 5-figure cashflow for the company. I dont know why i said that. I think I didn’t. I think God u did right? Cos its like….. we’re kinda in debt right now? Oh well, its complicated. But nothing is impossible to God right? I’m not taking responsibility for making that happen you know…

So then from then on, God has been showing me some amazing stuff on handling finances. That blew the eyeballs out of my sockets. And then proceed to churn my brain juice and flip my brain membranes.

God is amazingly, incomprehensibly good. I was in shock for a few days at how much He has already done for me just by reading 4 chapters in Unmerited Favor. Chapter 15 to 18. And then reading it again. And then highlighting and reading it again. And then reading it again, this time writing notes. Not enough. I make keywords out of these chapters and searched for matching sermons in my iTunes database and turns out 75% of these sermons I have not heard before. So this is where all my blessings have been draining to… by not hearing the Word of God. Even those I have heard I look upon them like fresh manna.

Lord I am having so much fun with You I don’t know what to do with myself. This year started quite differently. I feel I have a new level of closeness with You. I feel Your presence one notch higher like nothing before. I feel You are with me. Right from the very start.

Chapter 15. Good comes along the way of the cursed man but he does not see it. That made me pause and think. And my conclusion is ‘oh that’s why people are thankful to God, because they see God’s blessings in every area of their life. And that makes them the Blessed Man!’ Prayed this during NYE watchnight at sembie, I will be like a tree planted by a river, spreading its roots to the water, and my leaves will be evergreen and i will not cease yielding fruit and providing shade to passerbys. (p226)

Chapter 16. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us that the blessing of Abraham might come upon ME in Christ Jesus, that I might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith, for the promise that I would be the heir of the world was made not through the law but through the righteousness of faith. The secret to gaining Abraham’s blessing for us Christians is we stop trying to work for it, but instead be righteous-conscious that you are an heir to it!

This Abraham series was preached in 2007, and 2005, I feel like God is jingling a bell infront of me, “Hellooooooooo, where have you been?” Ok in all honesty, I was only saved in 2007. 😛 Sometimes its true the mind can only take what the seed can endure. I wanted to read the entire book, but the mind says, “Oh okay, that’s it.”

I like that in the next chapter Joseph Prince warned that “if we go into the realm of the law, faith is made void and the promise (Abraham’s inheritance) made of no effect.” I like this kind of boundaries.

Chapter 17. Pastor challenges us to “take a closer look at the areas of your life where the blessing of Abraham seems to be void and of no effect.” I did an experiment on myself. I took my weakest part : finances. And put it under the experiment of God’s Word. Steps explained below:

Step 1. Chase after the Kingdom of God. (righteousness, peace, joy)
Step 2. Chase after it ESPECIALLY and immediately after you have failed, or feel any minuscule pinch of lousy feeling creeping up.
Step 3. Speak it. That you are still the righteousness of God. “Lord Jesus, I thank You that I have the blessing of Abraham, who is very rich in silver and gold, even though in the natural I have a ton of credit card bills that are unpaid. Amen.”
Squeeze in one more. “And even when I have not paid my workers…”
Now I could think of 2 more. “And even when I am spending more than I earn.”
“And even when my earthly dad is still paying for me.”
4. Sit still for a while. Ears open big big for God’s voice. Felt balance restored to me. No more sin consciousness and no more hopelessness. Then it hit me, OH YES You are still blessed even though you xxx the above! (Now it hit me I was speaking by faith.) Clear head to make objective decisions. Yep, go ahead with those research plans of yours, yep go ahead and convert your workers to full-time. Yep go ahead and make full use of what your earthly dad can provide. Because your promise is in me (God).

Chapter 18. As He is, so are we in this world! He is… seated at the Father’s right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. Ephesians 1:20-23. So are we!!! My fifth new year/christmas wish is to be rooted in Christ. Sista gave me a keychain with my name on it and it says “The Lord is before me, I shall not be moved!” On page 262, My loving heavenly Father tells me He wants me rooted, established and anchored in His unwavering love for me. “rooted” “established” “anchored” “unwavering” — 4 times He tells me He wants me to be solid rock in Christ. And the 5th is sista’s keychain.

The Misconception of “Deposit” –who it is insuring

Kelly Services provides their employees an online training portal that we can do at our own time (some are free) and one of the first courses I started on was to understand a contract. At page 27 I learnt that:

When you buy something, and you make a deposit, it is to ENSURE the seller will sell you the goods at the promised amount. It is not for the seller to ensure you will back out of the deal.

Because, if you had paid the buyer to have the offer remain until it completed, the offeror cannot revoke his offer but YOU do not have to accept the offer. Question, is that after the specified time period of during the offer?

Saving Heat Costs in winter/fall & saving everything else

I wanted to take some time … to congratulate myself… While everybody is congratulating the President-Elect (and I secretly feel enormously happy for him) I think its time to give myself that once-in-a-while pat on the back, the kind you give after you had, yet, scale another mountain. Or maybe just a molehill out of a series of molehills.

Today I am going to talk about what I did at home, in an effort to save energy, and energy cost. I pay for my own electricity and heat (in singapore, it would be a/c); I only get water free. But even then, hot water comes at a price because you need heat to get hot water (duhhhh).
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